**Last Updated Date:** 05/27/2014
**Adoption Date:** 01/10/2006
The following requirements must be met in the school buildings, on the school grounds, and at all school-related functions.
The health and safety of students must not be jeopardized.
1) Bare feet are not allowed.
2) Individual schools will establish regulations for safety where and when necessary.
Students are not to wear clothing (including hats) which causes a disruption to the educational process or the orderly operation of the school.
If such clothing is worn to school, students will be required to change or cover said clothing or will be sent home to do so. Refusal to change or cover said clothing will result in the students not being allowed to attend class until they have complied with the code. The students should understand that failure to attend class may subject them to a penalty under the existing class attendance and truancy regulations of the South Hadley Public Schools.
**Policy References:**
LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:82-83 Student Handbooks